At this year’s AGM Jane Stephenson steps down as BWCE Chair, a position she has held since 2016. Jane says farewell to the role and Managing Director Pete Capener gives thanks for the invaluable contribution she has made as Chair.
I hope to see many of you at BWCE’s AGM on 25th September, though of course I’m sorry that this can’t be in-person. It will be my last AGM as Chair and a Director of BWCE.
I have felt very supported in these roles by my fellow Directors and all of you as members and supporters. I would like to thank Pam Penkman and Peter Harvey, who will both be retiring as Directors at the AGM.
Since I first became a Director, in 2012 and took the role of Chair in 2016, the Society has gone from strength to strength. Together we have built an impressive staff team under the leadership of Pete Capener as our Managing Director, whose expertise, hard work and commitment has led to BWCE being recognised as one of the leading community energy organisations in the UK.
As I hand over the Chair’s role to Chris Crookall-Fallon and we welcome a new group of elected Directors at the AGM, I have every confidence that we will continue to be at the forefront of developing local energy solutions to the challenges we face in moving towards a low carbon economy. At the AGM you will hear more about the organisation’s business strategy, and I will continue my involvement as an active member of the society and look forward to working with you all to support BWCE in achieving its vision.
I particularly look forward to the time when we can get together in person to celebrate our successes.