£31,706 awarded to the following 11 community projects. BWCE also donated £5,000 to South Dartmoor Community Energy to fund local projects.
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Towards the replacement of a boiler heating system with a sustainable alternative.
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Toward building the FACE community in schools and other settings across the B&NES area, and researching needs, opportunities, barriers and triggers for climate action amongst local families.
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To create a food garden for carers to learn to grow food and to provide food for carers to increase sustainability and food security.
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For Energy Efficiency surveys for households in Compton Dando, including social housing tenants.
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Toward the Carbon Footprint Project which will help younger children to understand how they can repair, reduce and reuse to reduce carbon emissions.
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For additional insulation to enclose the parts of the community centre’s boiler room infrastructure that are currently uninsulated.
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Towards an air source heat pump and ventilation system for the new purpose-built community hub and cafe.
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Towards the cost of building a solar-powered barn to power the group’s farm – charging tools, delivery bikes and cold storage for crops.
Amount Awarded
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To replace the hall’s old oil-fired boiler, oil tank and controls with a highly thermally efficient air conditioning system.
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Towards the cost of delivering four repair-and-reuse cafe community events during 2022, to encourage members of the public to become more engaged with their lifestyle choices and learn how they can live more sustainably.
Corston Community Orchard & Garden
Amount Awarded
Project Summary
To establish a rainwater harvesting, storage and distribution system to ensure there is a sustainable and sufficient water supply so that the newly planted trees and hedging can thrive.