BWCE wants to help communities to control, own and benefit from renewable energy in their local area. We have a track record of supporting local communities to develop community energy projects.
With over a decade’s experience in the field BWCE has developed significant expertise and resources to develop community owned renewable energy projects, including:
A tried and tested not-for-profit business model which gives local people a chance to invest for an annual return and redistributes surplus income back into the community
Significant expertise in fundraising, managing projects, engaging communities and navigating planning policies and electricity grid requirements
Strong relationships with suppliers, installers and a community owned asset management company
We can help you with the following:
- Assessing the most suitable energy projects for your community
- Fundraising (e.g. through community share offers and grant applications)
- Project development
- Community engagement
- Maximising community benefit
Our community support work needs to be funded but we are keen to explore different options for doing this, including joint funding bids.
We have produced a briefing specifically designed for parish councils which you can see here.
If you are a parish council, community or environmental group with ideas to energise your area please contact us to see if we can help.
Nick Bird at [email protected] or call 07517 100889.