An eco-therapy allotment, an edible food forest, a nappy library, energy ambassadors in schools, energy advice events, thermal home surveys, a solar powered village hall, family climate action and a song about climate change solutions. All these will benefit from the latest round of the BWCE Community Fund. £28,370 has been awarded to nine organisations to help them reduce carbon emissions and address fuel poverty through awareness raising, practical action and behaviour change.
Pictured are successful community fund applicants Family Action on Climate Emergency (FACE) and Keynsham Community Energy.
The Community Fund is funded from surplus income from BWCE and donations from BWCE members. Further information on the Community Fund can be found here and if you want to make a donation to the fund the details are here.
We are very grateful to the family of former BWCE member Kate Hall for their legacy donation of £1,000, which is funding the Alice Park Community Garden Edible Food Forest. Community Gardener Carole Stone said: “We were particularly touched to learn that our grant was made possible thanks to the generosity of the family of a BWCE member, who made the donation in memory of their loved one.”