BWCE’s Managing Director Pete Capener has joined Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and over 100 leading thinkers on energy and the environment in writing to Michael Gove MP and Grant Shapps MP asking the government to lift the ban on onshore wind power in the UK.
“Poll after poll makes it clear there is an overwhelming public majority in favour of onshore wind, and communities are standing by with great wind-power projects that they know will help the environment and bring down their energy bills. Yet the government apparently just doesn’t get it. They are not only totally out of sync with the people on onshore wind, they are floundering on their own commitment to net zero.”
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
“BWCE are very happy to join with Hugh and others as a co-signatory to this letter. We are keen to develop wind turbines locally but to do this effectively we need a fair planning environment that treats wind turbines the same as any other development. We hope that government responds positively as we believe that a significant increase in onshore wind power is a crucial element in our response to the climate crisis”
Pete Capener, MD, BWCE