£28,370 has been awarded from the BWCE Fund in 2019 to the following 9 community projects.
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To work with the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to train six local volunteers who will provide energy advice community events and attend home energy advice visits alongside a CSE energy adviser.
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For a polytunnel to be used for training and food production in support of the Greenlinks eco-therapy allotment project and the Food for Thought catering enterprise.
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To update and expand the cloth nappy library’s stock to enable it to support more of the community to become aware of and make the switch to reusable nappies.
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For the Alice Park Community Garden’s ‘Edible Food Forest’, which includes the purchase and planting of food producing trees and shrubs at the community garden, volunteer training and a food feast community activity to teach local people to identify and use produce.
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For the cost of a Volunteer Coordinator to train and support volunteer ambassadors for Transition Bath’s Energy Sparks programme that provides energy advice and an education toolkit for B&NES schools.
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For a range of awareness raising activities throughout 2020, targeting different communities in Bath and the surrounding area, empowering families to take action to reduce carbon emissions, and building the FACE community.
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To establish a pilot replica project in Bath of the C.H.E.E.S.E. Project, providing thermal surveys to assist householders to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
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Toward the delivery of workshops in schools in Bath that focus on discussions about climate change and the creation of a song that articulates the pupils’ feelings about climate change and their proposed solutions.
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Toward the installation of twenty-six solar panels on the village hall and electric storage batteries.