In May 2021, the BWCE Fund signed up to the Funder Commitment on Climate Change, committing to play our part in addressing the causes of climate change and supporting adaptation to its effects. The Funder Commitment believes that “the necessary changes to sharply reduce emissions and to adapt to climate change bring opportunities for new industries, good jobs, a cleaner environment, and improved wellbeing, but also involve significant costs. Funders can help to bring about these changes, to ensure that everyone has access to opportunities arising from the transition to a low carbon economy, and to ensure that the costs are not disproportionately borne by those who are least able to pay.”
As a signatory of the funder commitment, we have pledged to educate ourselves and our stakeholders and to learn more about the causes and solutions of climate change. We have agreed to commit resources to climate work, integrate climate into our charitable activities, steward our investments and decarbonise our operations. We will continue to report annually on our progress to date.